Posts By Victor Berry

What is an orthopedic doctor and when do you need one?

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An orthopedic doctor is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This includes bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Orthopedic doctors can treat both acute and chronic conditions.

If you have a musculoskeletal disorder, you may need to see an orthopedic doctor. Some common reasons to see an orthopedic doctor include:

– Joint pain

– Arthritis

– Osteoporosis

Sports injuries

– Fractures

– Back pain

– Scoliosis

Orthopedic doctors use a variety of diagnostic tools to assess your condition and develop a treatment plan. This may include X-rays, MRIs, …

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How to Make your Home Ideal for Reading

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In our turbulent lives, an obligation free evening or even five minutes is an extravagance. However, in the event that we commit spaces in our homes to serene exercises, like perusing a novel, working through a heap of magazines or in any event, putting on a mud veil and reflecting, they can fill in as suggestions to back off and figure out an ideal opportunity for self-care in the midst of feverish timetables.

A perusing alcove can accomplish this. Albeit a delicate seat, rich toss cushion, and footstool is an encouragement to air out a most loved read, a perusing …

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How Renovating Your Home can Improve Your Attitude

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At the point when one notices house rebuilding and remodeling, half of you may feel energized, the other maybe deficient with regards to the energy for a particularly difficult move. In any case, regardless of your sentiments on this subject, your home will need in any event one redesign during the time it’s your home.

As indicated by a study by Trulia, around 90% of individuals redesign their home eventually. There are a few purposes behind remodel when you purchase any house, and the majority of them have to do with general improvement and upgrade of the current day to …

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The Beauty of Eating in Your Kitchen

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During the work day crazies, eating cooked and onto the table can feel clamorous and task like. However, it’s in reality lovely extraordinary when you consider the big picture, and there are a lot of things you can do to make it a lot more charming.

Transform your kitchen into a room you really need to be in.

You can’t generally have your fantasy kitchen, yet there’s still bounty you can do to ensure you appreciate investing energy in the kitchen you do have. Suppose there’s a cabinet that is consistently hard to open — have a go at lubing …

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Upcoming Open Mic’s in St. Paul MN

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Music Forest Cafe

151 E seventh St. St. Paul, MN

Exceptional, personal (seats 45), espresso/tea,vegan menu bistro. No liquor. Open work days 7AM-4PM, ends of the week 7AM-2PM and nights during booked exhibitions. You are urged to welcome family/companions to join in. Open-mic classifications: Classical, Folk, Country, Celtic, Indie to Rock. Verse and story readings welcome. No foulness or political discourse please. On location slope stopping, 4.50 hourly – work days, 5.00 level rate – nights and ends of the week. On-road metered stopping – free on Sundays. Travel: transport and LRT stops close by. A big thanks goes out …

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5 Iconic Poems in the English Language

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Today is the commemoration of the distribution of Robert Frost’s notorious sonnet “Halting by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” a reality that prodded the Literary Hub office into a meaningful discussion about their preferred sonnets, the most famous sonnets written in English, and which sonnets we should all have just perused (or if nothing else be perusing straightaway). Turns out, notwithstanding continuous (bogus) claims that verse is dead as well as immaterial or potentially exhausting, there are a lot of sonnets that have sunk profound into our aggregate awareness as social symbols. (What makes a sonnet notorious? For our motivations …

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Language and Culture Presents: Dallas Open Mic

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Melissa and Vincent Cooper


Pre-winter Hayes’ lyrics, papers and short fiction have showed up or are inevitable in African American Review, The Seattle Review, Teachers and Writers Magazine, Southern Women’s Review and the smaller scale fiction compilation 140 and Counting. She holds a MFA in verse from Texas State University, where she is a composition focus right hand executive and a senior speaker.

Vincent Cooper is a writer and previous US Marine living in San Antonio. His productions in collections incorporate Boundless, Refreshing San Antonio, Ban This: An Anthology of Chicano Literaturek, and Big Bridge Magazine: Refreshing San Antonio. …

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Poetic Medley

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un souffle du printemps

tu viens le matin du manteau nocturne
avec la senteur piquante d’arbre à feuilles persistantes et me fais signe
en dehors de ma rosace

tu me mènes au bord de la route
où je respires la douceur qui traverse
jusqu’au présent
je capture tes soupirs
maintenant tu m’appartiens

tu completes le sifflet dans le vent
tu accomplisses la chanson de mon rossignol
par les étendues inhabitées
dans la pause repos après-midi

je ne marcherai jamais seule

quand le soir est fini
l’odeur de ta gypsophile
s’attarde à ma table
murmure à la lueur diminuente

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Gabriela del Alma Born in Spanish

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Porque la noche es infinita y resonante
Porque mis manos frías amasan el migajón que
en dedos ardientes se agrieta
Porque la tierra se inclina contra mís pasos
Porque a veces la marea no me inspira
Porque al cerrar mis ojos lo veo todo
Porque despierto cada tarde con una melodía tibia en mi boca
Porque sigo inocente en la trayectoria del meteorito
Porque el sol es tóxico y la lluvia sabe al pasado—
Te busco entre estrellas infantes—
Mas alla de millares de disfraces,
Y te encuentro, como siempre,
En el semillero de mis sueños.
Because the night is

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Life’s Little Lessons

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I see shadows
whisper to me from the corners of walls,
women’s voices sharing secrets
of ages past.

My ages past
as I am a shadow to them
my ancestors.
I am echo of a pungent past.

The Baby*

A home spun baby I be,
dropped from old yellow
man moon
on a warm winter’s day,
I came in the worldly way.

My breath carries spring time,
my laugh
summer’s ripened fruit,
my hair the falling of the leaves.
I am winter’s child too.

An ordinary baby,
I be,
miracle of worlds.

*Pink Chameleon, Issue 6…

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