Gabriela del Alma Born in Spanish

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Porque la noche es infinita y resonante
Porque mis manos frías amasan el migajón que
en dedos ardientes se agrieta
Porque la tierra se inclina contra mís pasos
Porque a veces la marea no me inspira
Porque al cerrar mis ojos lo veo todo
Porque despierto cada tarde con una melodía tibia en mi boca
Porque sigo inocente en la trayectoria del meteorito
Porque el sol es tóxico y la lluvia sabe al pasado—
Te busco entre estrellas infantes—
Mas alla de millares de disfraces,
Y te encuentro, como siempre,
En el semillero de mis sueños.
Because the night is infinite and resonant
Because my cold hands ply the dough
that cracks in warm skin
Because the earth inclines against my steps
Because sometimes the tide doesn’t move me
Because I close my eyes and see everything
Because I wake each afternoon with a tepid melody in my mouth
Because I remain innocent in the meteor’s trajectory
Because the sun is toxic and the rain tastes like the past—
I go looking for you among infant stars,
Beyond your myriad disguises,
And find you at last, as always,
In the seedbed of dreams.

Poem By:

Gabriela Del Alma

Special announcement

We are excited to inform you that this poem, along with many other masterpieces will be presented to the public by the very own Gabriela Del Alma. This event will be held at the world renown Cuvier Club reception venue. To reserve your spot simply reach out to us and we will send you a confirmation. This event is free for the public. This event is not yet fully scheduled, we will be announcing the date and time in a few weeks so stay tuned.